
28 Juli 2011

Aloe Vera , Aloe Vera Plant , Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a succulent plant from the distribution of compensation, less voice, or stem very short growing 65-100 cm in height. The leaves of some species have white spots on the surface of the upper and lower stems, green to gray-green thick and fleshy. Cut the edges of the leaves have small white teeth. The flowers are yellow tubular corolla 2-3 cm in length produced (0.8 to 1.2 inches) and 95 cm, the highest peak in the summer in Aloe Vera Plant, each flower pendulous. As with other species of aloe, aloe vera arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, which are a symbiosis that has allowed better access to plant nutrients in mineral soils to form.

It 'very good, even if you have the potential toxic if taken orally, to create, is the juice of Aloe Vera can be used for digestive problems like heartburn and irritable bowel syndrome and the consumption of relief. Composition of cosmetic products like aloe vera business of these organizations, moisturizers, soaps, lotions, perfumes, often add to SAP or other types of shaving cream and shampoo.

Aloe Vera Plant

Other uses of aloe vera extract in Aloe Vera Plant, dilution of semen for artificial insemination of sheep is used as a preservative for fresh food and water is used and includes a small on-farm conservation. The aim alleged treatment with aloe vera, the species is not exclusive, and can more or less all the aloe gel found in many plants from the family Asphodelaceae shared reality. Bulbine frutescens, for example, is used to treat burns and the skin very accommodating afflictions.l

Aloe Vera may be effective in the treatment of wounds. The results on the effects of the juice on wound healing, however, are limited and inconsistent on
Aloe Vera Plant. Several studies, for example, the program, however, other studies, while aloe, aloe vera gel for the injuries that do not heal much more slowly than patients treated, was applied to help cure rate for medical formulations Traditional showed. A recent study (2007) noted that supports the collection of information through the use of aloe to treat burns No. 2 in the first instance Aloe Vera Plant.

Aloe Vera Gel

His name is "Aloe Vera" or literature "lidah buaya" as aloe vera, which means that identifies the cause of the refusal form VAR aloe vera white spots, however, differ in the type of leaf spot, produced as other types of aloe, aloe vera arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi may be associated with forms of A. massawana suggest that the discovery of aloe vera.

Aloe Vera is grown in a dry climate, are Africa, India, is popular in Nepal and other areas to dry type is used in Chinese medicine that is often quoted as a spread. Many scientific studies on the use of extracts of aloe vera, some of them contradictory, are made.
Despite these limitations, wounds and burns healing extracts of aloe vera, minor skin infections, sebaceous cysts Aloe Vera Gel, some of the components may be useful in the treatment of lipid levels in people with diabetes, there is evidence. Positive effects of these polysaccharides, mannan, probably due to the presence of compounds such as anthraquinones and lectins

Aloe Vera is widely planted as an ornamental. Species, perhaps as a medicinal herb, the flower interesting, because people in the modern gardener in shape and juiciness. And "ideal for rock gardens and other low-water use garden, succulent species can survive in areas with little natural precipitation Aloe Vera Gel. Species are very tolerant of heavy snowfall and frost may be strong for the area corresponding to 8-11. Mites, mealybugs, scale insects, aphids but may lead to a reduction in plant health, the species is relatively resistant to most pests

Applications Aloe Vera :

1. Medicinal claims

The scientific evidence for the effectiveness of aloe vera and cosmetic treatments are often inconsistent and limited time available. However, on a regular basis, especially through Internet advertising, healing aloe vera, compared with the moisture and healing properties, and make the cosmetics industry claims that alternative medicine. Aloe vera gel is commercially available lotion, yogurt is used as an ingredient in cakes and drinks.

2. Use of the product

Aloe Vera is a stimulant and / or wetting agents less friction against the nose of a user who suffer from hay fever and colds now widespread, is encouraged where it is used for the tissues. In addition, biofuels, suggesting that the seeds obtained from Aloe vera. It is also the voltage detection, and popular tools used by the hair for fear of vegan, you may prefer natural products.

3. Historical use

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the aloin is part of Class III, aloin in determining that the prohibition of the use, stores in the U.S. years ago, 2004 (OTC) product, but a common ingredient in laxatives. This healer Gastroenterology has been used in the next, that a considerable amount of aloin, aloe vera juice, such as using non wirdeas aloe juice processing include processing, and do not contain large amounts of aloin, are included aloe aloin excellent, Aloe Vera Gel, the healer should be noted that the digestion is mainly used as a laxative

Burns and wound healing, in addition to topical application of recruitment, the aloe vera, diabetes blood sugar better in patients with hyperlipidemia and links to literature and lipids in the blood and acute hepatitis (if it is a disease of the liver Aloe Vera Plant ). In other diseases, in preliminary studies, oral Aloe Vera Gel has been proposed to be able to reduce inflammation and symptoms in patients with ulcerative colitis. Composed of aloe, which was used as an immunostimulant that help in the fight against cancer in dogs and cats is extracted, it was not scientifically tested this treatment in humans to make Aloe Vera Gel.
Aloe Vera , Aloe Vera Plant , Aloe Vera Gel



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