
28 Juli 2011

Wheat , Wheat Plant , Wheat Pictures , Wheat Flour


Wheat Plant

Wheat Pictures

Wheat Flour

Wheat is a herb derived from the Fertile Crescent of the Middle East region, now cultivated worldwide. Global production of 6.07 million tons of wheat in 2007, it maize and rice has become an important grain production from the third. Globally, wheat, maize 2 (corn) and rice, high protein food crops in the main Wheat , most important source of vegetable protein. Has been used in relation to the total tonnage of food production is currently a major human food above all, maize, and rice is the second in less corn for livestock feed, and more extensive use .

And indigenous peoples as a variant of the Wheat cultivation of wild species has led to the creation of repeated and disseminated chosen as the preferred crop for farmers. Wheat grown, large grain, Wheat seeds remains hard to hear when you collect the spine Wheat. In the wild, fragile spine lightly break the ear, you can distribute the spikelet Wheat. These traits are used to collect the seeds, but have been made easier, choice is "random" it has become an important part of growing crops, it is not intended consciously farmers choice rather than via any of these properties may have occurred simply Wheat Pictures. To improve the capability of grain as a source of food for the loss of natural seed dispersal mechanisms in Wheat Plant, because you can not survive the strains of a very tame wild wheat.

Agricultural cultivation and horse collar leveraged plows was one of the first innovations that increase productivity Wheat Pictures. After much use of the seeds sown in the 18 century when it replaced the transmission, came another sharp increase in productivity of Wheat . The rotation method was applied to the long cultivation, as has been Itasa widespread use of fertilizer, grain yield per unit area increases Wheat Flour. Increase in livestock has recently led by farmers and planters, and includes a harvester thresher and better varieties

In traditional farming systems are often populations of native species of Wheat , the population consists of farmers growing informal often maintain a high morphological diversity. Traditional varieties of Wheat, Wheat Plant which is no longer grown in Europe and North America, continue to be important elsewhere Wheat Flour. Origin of formal wheat breeding in the 19th century was observed that the hope to create a single line of proprietary varieties of seeds through a single selection.

Wheat , Wheat Plant , Wheat Pictures , Wheat Flour

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