
19 September 2011

Bamboo Tree: Types Bamboo Tree Plantation

Tropic Bamboo

Bamboo is endless, like a hardy plant and used. Bamboo flooring bamboo curtain and decoration of the house, it is nature's most versatile plant. But it can be vulnerable. Love for those of us who plant bamboo, there is a crucial step that can make the difference "on loan" to be at your location, or booming. This article leads you through the correct procedure to perform on the ground or pot. 

Your system is vulnerable to the bamboo planting time. This is when you perform routine maintenance tasks are the foundation for a successful and healthy plant basket Site preparation Thus, the location of the work. Prepare your system is crucial Chinese Bamboo Tree, and be sure to soak in water 10-12 hours in the pot. The addition of some fertilizer in moderation is always good. Now you can prepare the site. 

Bamboo Garden

Testing the site for drainage is simply chosen. Once you dig your hole you can see the levels simply by using water currents. The water should disappear within 15 minutes. If it takes longer, then I suggest you another place, how can the service area is not effective the bamboo plant.

Yes, the bamboo plant a reputation for hard and tough, but you must be careful when you remove it from the pan and put it in his new place of rest to be. Be careful nudging solve most of the pollution and the roots when it is removed from the pot directly into the hole. There is always a good idea to dig a little bit, "your hole deeper than necessary, for it is recommended that the lamp a little bamboo sitting" under the earth. 

While fixing your system instead, adding new mix around the bulb roots will make a connection to the wall around them. Irrigation, lighting of the bamboo in place is highly recommended, but not on irrigation, just enough to keep it moist. With extra fertilizer on the soil will exceed the wet bamboo shoots to the roots and begin the development of the fresh leaves of the plant off and running. Bamboo is extremely durable once established, but still regular maintenance check. It will serve you for years to come. One more thing ... your bamboo plant, check the root system.

Bamboo is not a difficult experience, as the plant has established itself. And in the early stages of a well-worn standards to ensure that your plants need to survive to follow. It is important in the initial phase of the installation near you for your attention to new plants and many people make the mistake of thinking of bamboo is so robust, does not really care. This is in a sense it is true, but it's as if every new plant soon. 

Caring for bamboo plants in recent years many people have transformed their gardens into a lush oasis just planting bamboo. It prefers full sun, so make sure your plants get enough sunlight. The lump is the variety most common form of cable, but this is a preference that may depend on your skills and experience with this plant resistant. Running bamboo can cause problems in the past Bamboo Palm Tree, particularly with neighboring countries Indoor Bamboo Tree, but may also affect the structure of the building. When planting the current series, a barrier at about 2 1 / 2 meter is essential. Container on the floor beside the barrier is strongly recommended. 

Three elements of first aid for Bamboo in the early stages there are three basic things: Water well,Fertilizer fit,Ensure that the young plant is not overgrown with weeds. 
Irrigation bamboo When watering the plants so that a proper drainage plan, because it can be very picky about having the stand in water for long periods. For new irrigation systems should be sufficient for up to three times a week, but this can be increased to every day if you live in a warm climate. If you need water every day, without water for more than a few minutes. 

At the other end of the scale, do not water too often or too long. The bamboo can react as overshedding leaves. It's just applying some simple common sense and find a good balance. This will depend on what time of year you work and if you live in a hot or cold. 

Bamboo Fertilizer Fertilization is an intricate part of the care of bamboo in the foundation stage. You run the risk can not survive to produce an unhealthy system or in the worst case, the bamboo, so fertilizer is recommended. What kind of fertilizer should I use? Certainly one of the highest in nitrogen. Once adulthood is reached, the care of bamboo is much less rigid. And Bamboo Tree Care that's how to care for a newborn child, to overcome the initial phase requires patience and dedication, but also in maturity, bamboo is a nice addition to any garden

1 komentar:

  1. Thanks for sharing such an informative post with us. Bamboo is a decorative and useful tree. Buy best bamboo plants from the best Bamboo plants and grasses nursery in UK.
