
20 September 2011

Tree Planting Forestry|Tips Tree Planting in Garden

Planters Insight is the first step to a gardener, even for those of us in cities or in rented houses or apartments planter give it a chance to have and to bring our own equipment, set it wisely and live to see your trees and plants hold is simply a planter that plants was, in ancient times the name of a person who owns a plantation and managed a lot of work on his property, plant seriously, but not usually alone. A planter is also the name of the dish a little, or other small or large container used in growing a plant or tree, and the planters, as well as many other people.

The planters us is the type of container, not the kind of job or profession, even though they are apparently connected with each other. Today you can make various types of planters in many states and countries to be found the difference in the flower boxes with better quality, lighter than the old, the most appropriate type of flower or a tree that is found in them. In other cases, it is possible to improve the quality of life of your tree or plant, changing the material from which the planter is made, and so the plant with better air quality, controlling the necessary heat or the flow of water by.

The development of the planters in the city possible that people had to grow the flowers in their homes, window boxes window, that some "yard work to do in an environment that the possibilities of gardening usually limited, today there are several species from the growers and producers for skyscrapers or a window, in fact, this planter is a good place for a couple of plants and almost the whole year to enjoy justice, are not the plants plenty of space, and if you are a dedicated gardener, you feel a great opportunity with a garden, even in the 15th floor.

Consider planting trees, their mature height and spread first selection is made. Tempting as are the nursery catalogs, you must choose carefully, especially on the average lot, because crowding spoils the growth and appearance of trees, particularly specimen trees. In general, it is wiser and more economical to plant young trees. Plant a mature tree is difficult and when professionally, costly. But if a tree is bad for a patio or for the projection of demand, you can certainly justify the effort. What to buy, how long it takes a small tree at maturity.

Today, you can plant trees in the entire sheet with new wilt-proof sprays that seal the leaves against moisture loss until the roots are established.
Not that it costs money and requires more likely to purchase your tree and plant in spring (best time) or late autumn or winter. If you plant a tree about 6 feet tall, you will suffer less setback if moved to a sod-cutter smoothly.

Land preparation is described in the previous chapter facilities useful for most trees and shrubs. But since the root must be fertile ground if it is planted, special measures must be taken. Dig a hole 2 feet deep and at least 1 foot wider each way than the full range of roots. The bottom of the hole should be broken with a fork and mixed with peat, leaf mold, fertilizer should be used sparingly and only on the top of the hole as it burns the roots. The more you cultivate your hole, the better for your tree. After it is planted, you can give orders, but not to keep the roots. If a subsoil of gravel or clay, you are very likely to be found anywhere near a house where a tree does not need to grow unless they are removed from the ground and good soil, or better yet, garden humus, because it replaces.

If you plant a seed that is not run-ball and strawberries are, you will want to "drag" in an empty bed, where before planting, while protecting may be pending. This means that the page and put the roots with good soil. If you record from the ground, give it a mud bath or "puddle" is. Puddles protects the roots from the air before planting, and also by the tubes which can give after planting. Once the hole is filled to the depth of the roots of the plant needs to sell flooded water on the floor when the soil is dry, place the tree in the position where they grow and the land there. Use a stick or handle of a shovel to till the soil around the roots, and make sure that no air pockets. Spread the roots in a natural way, to plant trees on the same depth in the nursery or its former position.

If the hole is two thirds full, trample and fill with water. Do not cultivate the land remaining, so that water flows towards the fuselage. A close-lapped and strawberry tree is a tree carved with a solid ball of rich heavy soil that develops in the nursery for years, their root systems, so covered and protected. The ball is confirmed and held in place by a hedge of the string and secure fabric. To plant, place the tree in a hole that was slightly less than the nursery. The work on the land below this depth, as indicated above. Dig the hole about twice the size of the ball and plant species at a time.

If the soil is dry at planting, fill the hole with water and soak away before planting. Cut the fabric on top, if you put the ball into force, which rolled back 3 or 4 inches. Plant ball, burlap and canvas all rot soon. If you plant a large tree, is transported in a truck, lowered to the ground by winches, rolled on a table and rolls used in the exact center of the hole on a single card. A boy from the truck at the base of the trunk helps to position the tree. After the tree is planted, reducing both correct. Drastically reduce at least one third, pruning the branches. And "need to build the tree with ropes so that the roots are not broken by the wind. Use a wire tie around the trunk and three for the first year after planting, care more you can do better. Keep the weeds, too, with straw or mulch, straw, manure mulch in the spring and fall will help keep soil moistureThe planters are ideal for those houses, if you can move all the plants and trees move with you until you leave the house of your dreams. When planting a tree, there are a number of risks, the roots can grow out of control and damage to a part of the infrastructure of the house is, the tree also develop problems because of this, if your plants and trees around the plant, from time to Time to change to allow more space, you should be safe from all this and get you with all your plants, if you keep moving. Of course, when you get to the place that you can stay in all the important decisions have been and where every tree and plant crops and good research in the field before planting time, to ensure his safety our plant.

1 komentar:

  1. This tips for planting a tree is really helping on our part. It is also very useful and following those tips are very important so that the trees we plant will not destroy. Thanks I really appreciate those tips.:)
