
21 Oktober 2011

Cultural Plantings: Albasia (Paraserianthes Falcataria)

Albasia (Paraserianthes Falcataria)

Sengon term in Latin is called Albazia falcataria, including family Mimosaceae, family petai - petaian. In Indonesia, sengon have several regional names such as the following: Java: jeunjing, jeunjing sea (Sunda), Kalbi, sengon Landi, sengon sea, or sengon Sabrang (Java). Maluku: historian (Ambon), brush (Banda), laughter (Ternate), and gosui (Tidore)

The most important part sengon to have economic value is the timber. The tree can reach about 30-45 meters high with a trunk diameter of about 70-80 cm. Sengon round rod shape and no buttress. Outer skin is white or gray, not grooved and not peeling. Wood specific gravity on average 0.33 and includes a durable grade IV - V. Sengon wood used for house building poles, container board, cash boxes, furniture, fences, stalk and a matchbox, pulp, paper and others. Sengon plant canopy shaped like an umbrella with lush leaves that are not too dense. Pinnate compound leaves composed sengon double with young leaves are small and easily fall out. Sengon pale green leaf color, serves to cook food and simultaneously as an absorber of nitrogen and carbon dioxide from the air.

In Plant roots riding Sengon have a strong enough to penetrate into the soil, the roots of her hair is not too big, not dense and not protruding surface of the soil. Root hair function to store the substances nitrogen, therefore sengon soil around the tree to be fertile. With the properties of the advantages possessed sengon, many trees were planted on the edge region sengon prone to erosion and became one of the policy to the government through the Ministry is promoting 'Sengonisasi' around the watershed (DAS) in Java, Bali and Sumatra. Sengon plant flowers arranged in the form of panicle size of approximately 0.5 to 1 cm, yellowish white and a little hairy. Each flower blooms consist of male flowers and female flowers, in a way that assisted pollination by wind or insects sengon shaped fruit pods, flat, thin, and the length is about 6-12 cm. Each fruit pod contains 15-30 seeds. Seed shape similar to a small shield and if it is old seeds will blackish brown, rather hard, and waxy.
Albasia Seed

Habitat Plants Sengon (Albazia falcataria)
Soil, plants can grow well on Sengon regosol soil, alluvial, and latosol-textured sandy loam or clay dust with soil acidity around pH 6-7. Climate, altitude is optimal for plants sengon between 000-800 m above sea level. Although this is still sengon plant can grow to a height 1500 m above sea level. Sengon including species of tropical plants, so as to growth requires temperatures around 18 ° - 27 ° C. Rainfall, rainfall for crops has several functions, such as nutrients solvent, forming sugars and starches, means of transport of nutrients in plants, cell growth and enzyme formation, and maintain temperature stability. Sengon plants require a minimum limit of the corresponding rainfall, which is 15 days of rain in the driest 4 months, but also not too wet, and has an annual rainfall ranging between 2000-4000 mm. Humidity, Humidity also affects each plant. The reaction of each crop to moisture depends on the type of the plant itself. Plants need moisture sengon about 50% -75%. Use and Benefits of Diversity sengon Wood, Tree sengon is a multipurpose tree. From the start of the leaves to roots can be utilized for various purposes. Sengon leaves, as other Mimosaceae family is an excellent fodder and high protein. Types of livestock such as cattle, buffalo, dfan kambingmenyukai sengon the leaf. Rooting, rooting system sengon contain many root nodules as a result of symbiosis with Rhizobium bacteria. This is beneficial for the roots and surrounding areas. The presence of root nodules can help the soil porosity and openyediaan element nitrogen in the soil. Thus sengon tree can make the surrounding land becomes more fertile. Furthermore, this land can be planted with crops so as to increase farmers' income penggarapnya.

The results of Wood
The part that gives the greatest benefit from the tree trunk sengon is wood. The price is quite tempting now sengon much cultivated for various purposes in the form of processed wood board with a board of a certain size as a raw material coffin makers, insulation boards, casting of cement in the construction industry, matches, pencils, particle board, pulp raw material paper.

 Albasia Nursery in Songgon

Plant Breeding Sengon (Paraserianthes Falcataria)
In general, plants seeds sengon propagated by seeds. Sengon seeds are used as seed quality must be guaranteed. Good seed is the seed that comes from the parent plant sengon who have the genetic traits of good, upright form of physical and tough, not a host of pests or diseases. The characteristics of a good appearance sengon seed as follows: dark brown skin is clean, the maximum seed size, Drowning in water when soaked seeds, and seed shape is still intact. In addition to the visual appearance, is also worth noting the growing power and vitality, by checking the condition of the institution and reserve food by peeling the seed. If the institution is still intact and is large enough, then the power of high growth.

Seed needs required to be planted land area can be calculated using the following simple calculation formula:
Description if the:
In the area of ​​one hectare garden planting sengon (length = 100 m and width = 100 m)
Spacing of 3 x 2 meters
One hole one seeds sengon
One kilogram of seed contains 40,000 items
Ability to grow about 60%
For the mortality rate in the nursery for 15%

Thus the number of seeds = 100 / 3 x 100 / 2 x 1 = 1667 grains. However, taking into account the growing power and the level of his death, it is mathematically required 3705 points. While operational, to the garden area of ​​one hectare with a spacing of 3 x 2 meters needed seed sengon approximately 92.62 grams, or rounded up to 100 grams.

Seed treatment, seeds sengon Relative to have a tough skin and thick, and soon germinate when in a state of moist, then before the seed is planted, treatment should be performed in order to build the germination of seeds, namely: Seeds soaked in boiling hot water (80 C) for 15 - 30 minutes. After that, re-seed soaked in cold water about 24 hours, then drained. ready for the next seed is planted.

For Site Selection nurseries, nursery seed sengon success is determined by the accuracy in the selection of a place. It is therefore worth noting some of the requirements select the seedbed as follows:
Locations chosen for seedbed where the degree of slope flat or with a maximum of 5%
Pursued when choosing a location that has a readily available source of water throughout the season (close to the springs, near the river or near rice fields).
In loose soil conditions and fertile, not rocky / gravel, clay mengandunh not.
Adjacent to the garden planting and road transport, in order to avoid damage to seedlings at the time of transport.

To meet the needs of a large number of seeds in the seedbed should be constructed and supported by means of adequate supporting infrastructure, such as nursery buildings, facilities and supporting infrastructure, production facilities etc. plants. Also supported by sufficient reliable science, such how seeding and seed treatments.

 D'Songgon Nursery

Seed seeding Sengon
Apart from development activities and the provision of facilities and infrastructure to support the measures can be divided benjadi seeding seed stage the stage the following activities: Sowing, sowing activities conducted with a view to obtaining the maximum percentage of germination and produce a healthy seedling. The quality of these sprouts will support the growth of plant seeds, sprouts that both will produce good seed, and this will be able to establish a quality stand.
Materials and tools that need to be considered in sowing activities are as follows:
Seeds, sown beds / plot sprout, Media Sow, a mixture of sand with soil 1: 1, watering equipment, availability of adequate water

Implementation techniques, sow beds made of wood / bamboo with a thatched roof with a shotgun like a size 5 x 1 m height 75 cm behind the front shade 50 cm then plot sow sow condition with 10 cm thick media, try to sow the media is free from dirt / trash to avoid the occurrence of disease in the sprouts. Sowing the seeds sown on media after the seeds are treated in order to speed up the germination process and obtain maximum germination per cent. Penaburaan done in the morning or late afternoon to avoid excessive evaporation. Sowing was placed on a bolt that has been made before, this sow berjara bolt size of 5 cm between the bolt with a depth of about - about 2.0 cm. Try not to overlap the seed to sprout growth did not overlap. Once the sprouts aged 70-10 days then the sprouts are ready to be weaned.

 Sengon Sea Plant

Weaning Seeds
Prepare a plastic bag measuring 10 x 20 cm, and the small hole in about 2-4 holes on the sides. Enter the planting medium is a mixture of fertile soil, sand and manure (1:1:1). If the soil is quite loose, the amount of sand is reduced, after the planting medium evenly mixed, then put in the bag as high plasitk ¾ part, then sprouts sengon planted, each given a stem sprout bag, plastic bags which had contained saplings, placed under the loft that roofed straw or palm leaves, so as not to direct sun stung. During the seedling until the seedling growth when the conditions feasible for seedlings planted in the field needs to be maintenance intensive.

The optimum watering will provide an optimum growth at the seedling / seed. Watering is done in the morning and evening and during the day by using nozle. Furthermore, on certain conditions, watering can be done much more than normal circumstances, namely when the new seedlings transferred from shade to open areas and a hot day. Fertilization is done by using a solution of "overdrive". As for making the solution "gear: as follows: Prepared drums and half of its volume filled with manure. Add water until ¾ of its volume, then add 15 kg of TSP, and mix evenly. Let it sit for a week and after it was used for fertilization. Dose of fertilizer as much as 2 tablespoon per 2 weeks, at the age of 6 months, when the height 70-125 cm, the seedlings are ready to be moved to the garden. Stitching done when seedlings have died and need to be done immediately so that seedlings are not far behind embroidered with the other seeds. Weeding against weeds, done by unplugging one at a time and if necessary assisted by the pick tool, but done carefully so as not to root disturbed seedlings. Some common pests that attack the seeds are ants, termites, rats, and worms, while those classified as disease is caused by damage to seedlings by fungi. Activities selection of seedlings is an activity carried out before the seedlings transferred spaciousness, the intention is to group a good seedling from seed to poor growth. Good seed is the first priority that can be transferred spaciousness to be planted while the growth of seedlings that are less well made maintenance more intensive in order to spur the growth of seedlings so that expected at time of planting the seeds have reached the condition of uneven quality.

Preparation of Land
Land preparation in principle to free the land from the plant pests or other components with the intent to provide growing space for plants to be cultivated. The way the implementation of land penyipan classified into 3 ways, namely mechanical, semi-mechanical and manual. Types of activities are divided into two stages of cleaning the land, namely in the form of scrubland felling activities and pastures. Subsequently stacked in a certain place so as not to disrupt the space to grow crops, soil processing, intended to improve soil structure by means mencanggkul or plowing.

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