
08 November 2011

Mango: Mango Tree|Mango Fruit Plant

African Mango Fruit Picture
D'Songgon has begun now known as the mango seed breeder gadung with good quality. Once the government projects is reduced, also the volume down some breeder seed production of mango in the centers of these. However, not all breeders have decreased production. but Bp. Heru Kasturi in Rogojampi, Kab. Banyuwangi experienced a shortage of supply of mango seedlings Because of his age who has over 60 years, while her children no one is willing to help, so he deliberately lowered production capacity to just thousands of stems per year, but with high variation, up to six types. In fact, it has the capacity market, have reached tens of thousands of stems of seed per year. Therefore, he tries to "partnering" with the breeder seed in Region Banyuwangi. But not all breeders can be invited to cooperate. Because in producing seed, the element of "trust" to be things that should take precedence. If public confidence is lost, it will be lost also the market that had been gained. What is meant by trust in this case is, if we produce mangoes gadung, then the quality of the stem below it should really be considered, and it stems also have varieties of mango trees gadung a parent that has proven its superiority, To guard the quality, the government through the National Agency of and the Seed Certification Department of Agriculture, has made a legal device. Even Cultivation Act has also been applied. However, in seed production practices, what happens is a kind of law of the jungle. Once there is a demand in large quantities, rogue breeder who will produce original order so the main target of getting caught. Mango seed then "sweep" (derived from the mango-mango damaged by various varieties) in these markets will be hired to serve as rootstock. Rod it would be taken from the tree that should not be eligible for the upper stem. Even many who just cut off the stem breeder seed is to be at first glance looks like has been spliced. With such conditions a mango seed, consumers who would be harmed. Alhamdulilah D'Songgon Nurseries that have been running four years in the year 2011 is a One Stop Agro Shopping Centre in Banyuwangi.
Red Mango

Mango Plant Tree

Mango Okulasi

Grafting of Mango
MANGO (botanical name: Anacardiaceae)
Fruit and Mango trees are commonly found in some central production of mangoes in East Java, as in Probolinggo and Banyuwangi North,umber of female flowers lower with fertilization by pollen that is weak. Insect (planthopper) causes a low mango production. These pests can be treated with systemic insecticide spray Tamaron 0.2%. Provision of insecticide through the infusion is more advisable to avoid the bad influence of beetle Disease that often strikes, especially type of mango this area is quite popular among fans of mango fruit. The taste is sweet like mango Arumanis is one of its privileges. Fruit shape was similar to the mango Arumanis, namely a long round, grooved, and beaked clear. The skin is green fruit - fruit meskipun_ old - with flecks of whitish glands. The pulp is thick and reddish yellow. Fresh sweet taste and fragrant aroma. Including a rather large fruit size, average weight 400-450 g. Benefits can be as a table or as a beverage, and now there have also been producing for candied mango. Terms of plants grown in low-lying plants, including mango. These plants can grow and grow well in areas with an altitude between 000-300 m above sea level. However, these plants can still grow to a height of 1300 m above sea level.
In large mango producing areas of mango plants reached 12.6 thousand hectares with production of 63.8 thousand tons of fresh mango, type Arumanis, Gedong, Dermayu and Find. Problems were encountered quality of the results is still diverse, yet attractive physical appearance, the diversity of varieties, and most major high price fluctuations during the harvest season and a bad season, so it's almost some farmers began to migrate to the mango crop. Diversified forms of marketing mangoes and gedong gedong ordinary lipstick implemented to open up new markets, choked back the selling price at harvest, and increase farmers' income of farmers considering selling prices higher gedong lipstick approximately 30-50% of normal gedong. With a very sharp aroma, red fruit color, and contain lots of fiber, this characteristic is in accordance with the request of importers of 1%, whereas 99% of the local market, therefore the government's attention is also a major driver of business development in the area of ​​mango production and mango seedlings are only a few regions in the world. Areas with rainfall between 750-2250 mm per year and temperatures 24-27 ° C is a good place to grow this fruit crop. Preferred type of soil is loose soil, well drained, had a pH between 5.5 to 6, and the depth of ground water between 50-150 plants Cultivation Method: Generally, mango plants propagated by grafting, although it can also shoot with a dial and grafts. Rootstock used as a honey mango seedlings, Cengkir (indramayu), and Bapang, for the use of seeds from seed is not allowed, except for rootstock. Rootstock mismatched (inkompatibel process) unfavorable effect on growth and fruiting (fruit production, fruit shape, and taste the fruit flesh) upper stem. Preparation of seedlings (seedlings or grafting) is usually done directly in the garden. Then, transferred to polybags after shoots about 20 cm high. Crop cultivation: Seeds planted in the planting hole measuring 60 cm x 60 cm x 50 cm with a spacing of 8-12 m. Each hole is given manure that has been used so much as 1-2 tin kerosene or 20 kg. Grafting seedlings grown on land once it reaches a height of more than 75 cm. Artificial fertilizers are given in the form of a mixture of 200 kg urea, 500 kg TSP (667 kg SP-36), and 150 kg of KCl per hectare or 200 g of urea, 500 g of TSP, and 150 g of KCl per plant. Seeds of these plants also have much to membudidaya, one of which is D'Songgon forest plant nurseries in the area Songgon, Banyuwangi - East Java.

For the maintenance of this plant one of the major factors that are fertilizing done four times at intervals of three months. The dose is increased with plant age. After reaching the height of 1 m, seedlings trimmed to the border areas of growth to be highly branched. This branch is maintained 2-3 buds per branch. Trimming repeated after a new branch reaches a length of 1 m, and so on until the obtained composition 1-3-9 branch. Hama is troubling is the stem borer (Cryptorrhynchus sp.) And beetle cicade (Idiocerus niueosparsus). Insect pest is very destructive suction Idiocerus mango flowers until fall. The number of female flowers lower with fertilization by pollen that is weak. Insect (planthopper) causes a low mango production. These pests can be treated with systemic insecticide spray Tamaron 0.2%. Provision of insecticide through the infusion is more advisable to avoid the bad influence of beetle penyerbuknya. Disease that often strikes, especially in wet climates are blendok disease (lh'plodia sp.), Dead shoots (Gloeosporium sp.), And postharvest diseases (Botryodiplodia sp.) Which causes the rapid decay of mango fruit at the base. However, the disease can strike trunk connection mango seedling plants when environmental conditions damp and cold. The attack is very damaging Diplodia stem can be overcome by applying a 0.3% solution of Benlate or lisol 20-50% in the wound that has been cleaned first. For the harvest and post harvest on mango fruit can be harvested when ripe. Characteristics, the flat base of the fruit has swollen and the color began to turn yellow. Harvesting the fruit is not ripe cause it was a bit acidic and chelating (low quality). For the life of the fruit can be harvested approximately 4-5 months (110-150 days) after anthesis (anthesis). Harvesting should be extra careful, must not fall, and the sap should not be on the mango fruit. Generally, plant mango flowering in July-August. Ripe fruit can be harvested in September-December, the fruit must be cleaned of ticks, soot, and the sap that sticks should also be cleaned before agaar look more fresh and healthy.Mango is a fruit whose seed crops among the most widely produced. Besides mango, fruit seeds are also produced in bulk is orange, bark, durian and rambutan. Other fruit crops such as star fruit, rose apple, soursop, jackfruit, mangosteen, lanseh, longan, grapes and brown, seed production is not semassal mango, citrus, rambutan, durian and barking. Among the types of mango exist, the most widely produced seed is harummanis, gadung, Manalagi, gedong lipstick and Cengkir. All are varieties native to Indonesia. Type the beginning introductions mango planters are much in demand from Thailand who okyong among breeder seed called "mango snail". Mango seed production center area of ​​Banyuwangi, East Java. contained in Songgon that rely verietas gadung, harummanis, Manalagi and okyong; while producing more Majalengka gedong and Cengkir. In addition to these two centers, there are also individual breeder who specializes in mango. For example Agus P Sulistiyono in Songgon and Cahya P at Mullah Banyuwangi have produced seedlings of mango, mango seeds are produced in the form of a connection, or connect with bud grafting techniques. Therefore required in the form of parent trees sources of seeds for rootstock (understamp) and upper stem (entris).

Varieties that are commonly used as rootstock in Indonesia is podang mango and honey. Once used mango and lalijiwo bacang. But pakel abandoned due to varieties which are connected with trunks up pakel, will experience changes in physical properties of the fruit that it deviates from the parent stem. While Ndorotekek also no longer used as rootstock, because the source of the parent tree has been felled to many rare. This shortage resulted lalijiwo mango into pieces with high economic value as the young fruit is consumed as table or salad. Until now the only professional breeder seed and honey mango podang use as rootstock. Mango honey is a type of small Manalagi mass production but it's cheap. Similarly, with mango podang. The difference is small Manalagi a mango lowlands, while the mango podang plains medium to high, the main requirement of mango varieties as rootstock is, a large seed. Comparison of the volume of the fruit flesh with seeds must be larger seeds. Large trunk, sturdy and strong berperakaran; drought and disease resistant roots. Productivity of fruit stem of rootstock should also be high: for the purposes of seed for seed production is also very large volume. In the center of the mango seed D'Songgon, the current price of mango seed or honey podang Rp 20.500 per seed, in a condition not peel. If this mango seed skin has been peeled seeded, the price will increase when it has become in polybags (black plastic bag). In Songgon and Rogojampi generally sow mango seed breeder in fields and gardens. But the breeder in Banyuwangi choose to sow seeds in polybags, The breeder seed mass, will perform buds attachment (grafting) since as early as possible. While the breeder who put quality, will wait until the lower stem reaches a height of 60-70 cm. to perform splicing shoots. At the top dial, a twig of mango stem above, will only produce a single individual plant. While the grafting, a twig is able to produce about 10 individual plants. The capacity of the workforce to do the attachment of shoots, average of 200 plants per day with a wage of Rp 100, - per plant. Until the value of the wages received by workers pasting is about Rp 20,000, - per day. Rootstock that will diokulasi, still in a state of sowing in the fields, while the rod tip down to connect the average already in polybags. After the transaction occurs, usually the breeder seed will dismantle it and move it into a small bamboo basket to be sent to the buyer. The seeds of this mass, much remains to be raised first before the actual planted in the land. Way of magnifying power, the base of the following seed basket, wrapped in a plastic bag which was filled planting medium.

Growing media for this purpose, husks former broiler chicken coop, with mixed manure. Furthermore, the seed that has been wrapped in rice sacks sown with a spacing of 0.5 to 1 m. At this location, the seed was not fertilized. Because the content of N (nitrogen) fertilizer urea derived from rice, is still quite high in these fields. All it takes is doing irrigation during the dry season. Within one year, high seed had reached 1 m. with the sale price of Rp 7,500, - per plant at the site. In Jakarta, for example in front of TVRI or the Sunday Market, the price of mango seed as high as 50 cm. in small polybags already reached Rp 10.000, - per plant. While the price of seed at 1.5 m. in the drum between Rp 500,000, - sd. Rp 1.000.000, - special price of mango-mango fruit under the drum, among sellers of seeds in Jakarta have reached between Rp 200,000, - to Rp 300,000, - When mangganya rare species with very dense fruit (eg up to a dozen items per stem), the price already reach more than Rp 500,000, - per plant. These prices will be higher if the seller of seeds faced by consumers who are not particularly price sensitive, yet sensitive quality. The law of demand and supply will be valid until the mango seed that has been as high as 2 m in a condition to bear fruit, the price will be perched on top of Rp 1.000.000, - per rod. Mango-mango buyers so specific consumer is usually limited to plant in his yard.

D'Songgon has begun now known as the mango seed breeder gadung with good quality. Once the government projects is reduced, also the volume down some breeder seed production of mango in the centers of these. However, not all breeders have decreased production. but Bp. Heru Kasturi in Rogojampi, Kab. Banyuwangi experienced a shortage of supply of mango seedlings Because of his age who has over 60 years, while her children no one is willing to help, so he deliberately lowered production capacity to just thousands of stems per year, but with high variation, up to six types. In fact, it has the capacity market, have reached tens of thousands of stems of seed per year. Therefore, he tries to "partnering" with the breeder seed in Region Banyuwangi. But not all breeders can be invited to cooperate. Because in producing seed, the element of "trust" to be things that should take precedence. If public confidence is lost, it will be lost also the market that had been gained. What is meant by trust in this case is, if we produce mangoes gadung, then the quality of the stem below it should really be considered, and it stems also have varieties of mango trees gadung a parent that has proven its superiority, To guard the quality, the government through the National Agency of and the Seed Certification Department of Agriculture, has made a legal device. Even Cultivation Act has also been applied. However, in seed production practices, what happens is a kind of law of the jungle. Once there is a demand in large quantities, rogue breeder who will produce original order so the main target of getting caught. Mango seed then "sweep" (derived from the mango-mango damaged by various varieties) in these markets will be hired to serve as rootstock. Rod it would be taken from the tree that should not be eligible for the upper stem. Even many who just cut off the stem breeder seed is to be at first glance looks like has been spliced. With such conditions a mango seed, consumers who would be harmed. Alhamdulilah D'Songgon nurseries that have been running four years in the year 2011 is a One Stop Shopping Centre in Banyuwangi Agro.

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