
02 November 2011

Cermai Fruit|Cermai Tree|Dewandaru

Ceremai Fruit

Ceremai Tree

Plant a tree, a long life (several years), height + / - 10 m. The roots of driving. Aerial stems woody, cylindrical, straight, dirty-brown branches, in the solid, thick skin, rough, simpodial. With a door, short stalked, organized alternative (Alternative), light green, oval, blunt 2-7 cm long, 1.5-2 cm wide long, thin strands of tough leaves, pointed, base (obtusus), flat wire, pertulangan suspension (suspension) is not the shape smooth surface to use, never decade cluster (bunch) leaves band along the trunks and branches, star-shaped flowers (stellatus), the crown appear pink stone fruits (drupes), rounded, length 1, 2 to 1.5 cm long, pale yellow, flat shape with a round seeds 4-6, light brown, acidic Perbanyaan generative (seeds) and independent (graft). Ceremai plant species in general is a wild plant that is not maintained. Most dliumpai as a crop in the pages of the home. Ceremai fruit taste sour, despite being cooked. Usually Ceremai made candied fruit or as a mixture to make salad. Ceremai fruit color yellowish white, both are still young and ripe. To differentiate which has been cooked, quite small large fruit alone seen. Young fruit size is smaller. Ceremai fruit collected in a single stalk that is not too long. When these plants are fruiting, it would seem as if the branches filled with fruit. Ceremai tree can reach 10 meters high. The leaves are small and shady. It's green. Young leaves rather whitish in color. As at the time of fruiting, flowering tree season Ceremai also looks as if the branches filled with white flowers reddish. Ceremai flowers fall off easily. For the growth, Ceremai tree does not require certain conditions. Quite a lot if the area where the growth of the rainfall. However when grown in the lowlands, the result will be more satisfactory. Planting can Ceremai dilakukandengan way the patch or by seeds. Apart from that also can be done by way of grafts. Grafts easier way to do it. Ceremai trees bear fruit in the rainy season. Ceremai tree is often planted as shade trees dipekarangan home. In Latin Ceremai called; Cicca acida. Ceremai trees start flowering in the dry season, July and August. The fruit is ripe on bulanSeptember through October. Besarbuahnya approximately sebesar.gundu only. As already mentioned in this article before, tutu fruit Ceremai inam sekali.Tetapi precisely because it's acidic, fruit Ceremai sought after as a spice in various cuisines untukdipakai to feel fresh. Besides used as spices and made salad, fruit Ceremai.
The way to grow Ceremai can be done by patch or by seeds. Apart from that also can be done by way of grafts. Grafts easier way to do it. Ceremai trees bear fruit in the rainy season.

 Ceremai Seedling (Phyllanthus acidus)
How to make candied Ceremai, usually carried out as follows; provide Ceremai fruit that ripen on the tree as needed, then washed thoroughly. After it soaked in water garirm 3% for about 15 minutes. Then Ceremai fruit softened by slowly grinding it. Do not be pressed too hard for menja ga order his men do not get chapped. Furthermore, the fruit is squeezed the water one by one and washed again with plain water, until all the acids remaining on the fruit, swept clean. After that, fruit soaked in lime water for several hours, then washed with clean water before lagr inserted into in a viscous sugar solution for one night. After one night, or the next day, the fruit is lifted from the sugar solution. Then placed on a sieve agan sugar water dripping down. Water was dripping sugar
accommodated in a saucepan. In order sugar solution that can be pulled ntal, the pan is heated Semba used to accommodate the droplets of sugar. Once the sugar solution thickens, then cooled. Once cool, fruit Ceremai put back into it. That was done repeatedly until the fruit is red Ceremai fruit that is so sweet.

Dewandaru is one type of tropical plant which currently has been reduced so that it becomes worthy of the rare plant in cultivation. These plants are very old age, including the type of hardwood tree but irregular shape which became one of the factors of low economic value compared to other wood species. Dewandaru leaf shape of this small, dark green color and oval shape like a clove plant leaves, but these plants are very beautiful when in bonsai in pots look more elegant and a high economic value.

Fruit of dewandaru shaped like cermai so there is a mention as Ceremai dutch, taste sour if mesih young green fruit. When the fruit is reddish dewandaru this means is ripe and sweet. Currently only a few nurseries that produce seedlings of plants dewandaru because demand is still likely to be caused not a little one dewandaru produce fruit in a large capacity and lots. One company that has been produced seedlings dewandaru thine is the D'Songgon Corp.. which is housed in Songgon - Banyuwangi, East Java. For people today who have rare fruit plants began to demand other than that strange also to retain the types of plants that have been there from zamam first.

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